Anyone want to join me?

2.25.2021: Two Sundays ago, a friend texted to our group that her husband just ran 8 mi that morning for the virtual Aloha Run. He asked, "Anyone want to join me?" My reply was, "I'm allergic to running, but thanks!" 

Running is not my thing. Never has been and never will. A lot of people I know have/had the Honolulu Marathon on their bucket list. That is SO non-existent as far as my list goes. HELL. NO (thanks). I've heard that exercise is 20% of your health and 80% is diet. Pre-COVID, I had maybe 5% of the exercise down with 1x/week Zumba, and I only did it to keep my cholesterol down-ish. It wasn’t enough. COVID hit and I was pretty dormant for several months and then…

Oh the joys of FB ads, and me, the sucker. Last October I saw a free, 30-day ‘Make Fat Cry Challenge’ online that would only take about 15 minutes a day. Heck, I can do that, right? I even dragged a friend to do with me (accountability partners is a really good thing BTW). Day 1 was tough. Who knew 15 minutes could feel so loooong?! I was sore for the next few days, but a good sore. WTH did we get ourselves into?! It was a challenge to remember and commit to this new daily routine too, but guess what? We did it! Surprisingly, it actually became a habit to sweat it out daily.  

I kept going. I followed with the 90-day challenge (paid), and then the Make Fat Cry 2 Challenge (free membership trial)! Betty Rocker (the instructor) had brought cardio, yoga, pilates, tabata, etc. into my life and I. am.  hooked.  

FF to the present. Another FB ad caught my attention (doh!). Openfit caught my eye with their 4-week Challenge and I jumped ship. I’m doing 30-minutes a day now. Change is difficult but now I LOVE IT! My non-exercising self, miraculously adapted and is now addicted to this new lifestyle! Screw the scale; my core is stronger, I can touch my toes!! My jeans are loose and my back is not hopelessly sore. Whaaat? Seriously if I can do this so any ANYONE. Don’t knock it… well, you know the rest. 

Anyone want to join me?






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